(zsh.info.gz) The zsh/clone Module

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 22.4 The zsh/clone Module
 The zsh/clone module makes available one builtin command:
 clone TTY
      Creates a forked instance of the current shell, attached to the
      specified TTY.  In the new shell, the PID, PPID and TTY special
      parameters are changed appropriately.  $! is set to zero in the new
      shell, and to the new shell's PID in the original shell.
      The return status of the builtin is zero in both shells if
      successful, and non-zero on error.
      The target of clone should be an unused terminal, such as an unused
      virtual console or a virtual terminal created by
      xterm -e sh -c 'trap : INT QUIT TSTP; tty; while :; do sleep
      100000000; done'
      Some words of explanation are warranted about this long xterm
      command line: when doing clone on a pseudo-terminal, some other
      session ("session" meant as a unix session group, or SID) is
      already owning the terminal.  Hence the cloned zsh cannot acquire
      the pseudo-terminal as a controlling tty.  That means two things:
      the job control signals will go to the sh-started-by-xterm process
      group (that's why we disable INT QUIT and TSTP with trap; otherwise
      the while loop could get suspended or killed)
      the cloned shell will have job control disabled, and the job
      control keys (control-C, control-\ and control-Z) will not work.
      This does not apply when cloning to an 'unused' vc.
      Cloning to a used (and unprepared) terminal will result in two
      processes reading simultaneously from the same terminal, with input
      bytes going randomly to either process.
      clone is mostly useful as a shell built-in replacement for openvt.
Info Catalog (zsh.info.gz) The zsh/cap Module (zsh.info.gz) Zsh Modules (zsh.info.gz) The zsh/compctl Module
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