(zsh.info.gz) TCP Parameters

Info Catalog (zsh.info.gz) TCP Functions (zsh.info.gz) TCP Function System (zsh.info.gz) TCP Examples
 24.5 TCP User Parameters
 Parameters follow the usual convention that uppercase is used for
 scalars and integers, while lowercase is used for normal and associative
 array.  It is always safe for user code to read these parameters.  Some
 parameters may also be set; these are noted explicitly.  Others are
 included in this group as they are set by the function system for the
 user's benefit, i.e.  setting them is typically not useful but is
 It is often also useful to make settable parameters local to a function.
 For example, 'local TCP_SILENT=1' specifies that data read during the
 function call will not be printed to standard output, regardless of the
 setting outside the function.  Likewise, 'local TCP_SESS=SESS' sets a
 session for the duration of a function, and 'local TCP_PROMPT='
 specifies that no prompt is used for input during the function.
      Array.  The set of lines read during the last call to tcp_expect,
      including the last ($TCP_LINE).
      Array.  May be set directly.  A set of extended globbing patterns
      which, if matched in tcp_output, will cause the line not to be
      printed to standard output.  The patterns should be defined as
      described for the arguments to tcp_expect.  Output of line to log
      files is not affected.
      Scalar.  Set to 1 within tcp_fd_handler to indicate to functions
      called recursively that they have been called during an editor
      session.  Otherwise unset.
      The last line read by tcp_read, and hence also tcp_expect.
      The file descriptor from which $TCP_LINE was read.
      ${tcp_by_fd[$TCP_LINE_FD]} will give the corresponding session
      Array.  The set of lines read during the last call to tcp_read,
      including the last ($TCP_LINE).
      May be set directly, although it is also controlled by tcp_log.
      The name of a file to which output from all sessions will be sent.
      The output is proceeded by the usual $TCP_PROMPT.  If it is not an
      absolute path name, it will follow the user's current directory.
      May be set directly, although it is also controlled by tcp_log.
      The prefix for a set of files to which output from each session
      separately will be sent; the full filename is ${TCP_LOG_SESS}.SESS.
      Output to each file is raw; no prompt is added.  If it is not an
      absolute path name, it will follow the user's current directory.
      Array.  May be set directly.  See tcp_spam for how this is used.
      May be set directly.  If a non-empty string, any data sent to a
      session by tcp_send will be logged.  This parameter gives the
      prompt to be used in a file specified by $TCP_LOG but not in a file
      generated from $TCP_LOG_SESS.  The prompt string has the same
      format as TCP_PROMPT and the same rules for its use apply.
      May be set directly.  Used as the prefix for data read by tcp_read
      which is printed to standard output or to the log file given by
      $TCP_LOG, if any.  Any '%s', '%f' or '%%' occurring in the string
      will be replaced by the name of the session, the session's
      underlying file descriptor, or a single '%', respectively.  The
      expression '%c' expands to 1 if the session being read is the
      current session, else 0; this is most useful in ternary expressions
      such as '%(c.-.+)' which outputs '+' if the session is the current
      one, else '-'.
      May be set directly.  If this has non-zero length, tcp_read will
      give some limited diagnostics about data being read.
      This value is created and initialised to zero by tcp_open.
      The functions tcp_read and tcp_expect use the shell's SECONDS
      parameter for their own timing purposes.  If that parameter is not
      of floating point type on entry to one of the functions, it will
      create a local parameter SECONDS which is floating point and set
      the parameter TCP_SECONDS_START to the previous value of $SECONDS.
      If the parameter is already floating point, it is used without a
      local copy being created and TCP_SECONDS_START is not set.  As the
      global value is zero, the shell elapsed time is guaranteed to be
      the sum of $SECONDS and $TCP_SECONDS_START.
      This can be avoided by setting SECONDS globally to a floating point
      value using 'typeset -F SECONDS'; then the TCP functions will never
      make a local copy and never set TCP_SECONDS_START to a non-zero
      May be set directly.  The current session; must refer to one of the
      sessions established by tcp_open.
      May be set directly, although it is also controlled by tcp_log.  If
      of non-zero length, data read by tcp_read will not be written to
      standard output, though may still be written to a log file.
      Array.  May be set directly.  See the description of the function
      tcp_spam for how this is used.
      May be set directly.  See the description of the function tcp_talk
      for how this is used.
      May be set directly.  Currently this is only used by the function
      tcp_command, see above.
 24.6 TCP User-defined Parameters
 The following parameters are not set by the function system, but have a
 special effect if set by the user.
      This should be an associative array; if it is not, the behaviour is
      undefined.  Each key is the name of a shell function or other
      command, and the corresponding value is a shell pattern (using
      EXTENDED_GLOB).  Every line read from a TCP session directly or
      indirectly using tcp_read (which includes lines read by tcp_expect)
      is compared against the pattern.  If the line matches, the command
      given in the key is called with two arguments: the name of the
      session from which the line was read, and the line itself.
      If any function called to handle a line returns a non-zero status,
      the line is not output.  Thus a tcp_on_read handler containing only
      the instruction 'return 1' can be used to suppress output of
      particular lines (see, however, tcp_filter above).  However, the
      line is still stored in TCP_LINE and tcp_lines; this occurs after
      all tcp_on_read processing.
 24.7 TCP Utility Parameters
 These parameters are controlled by the function system; they may be read
 directly, but should not usually be set by user code.
      Associative array.  The keys are the names of sessions established
      with tcp_open; each value is a space-separated list of aliases
      which refer to that session.
      Associative array.  The keys are session file descriptors; each
      value is the name of that session.
      Associative array.  The keys are the names of sessions; each value
      is the file descriptor associated with that session.
Info Catalog (zsh.info.gz) TCP Functions (zsh.info.gz) TCP Function System (zsh.info.gz) TCP Examples
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