(zsh.info.gz) Precommand Modifiers

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 6.2 Precommand Modifiers
 A simple command may be preceded by a _precommand modifier_, which will
 alter how the command is interpreted.  These modifiers are shell builtin
 commands with the exception of nocorrect which is a reserved word.
      The command is executed with a '-' prepended to its argv[0] string.
      The command word is taken to be the name of a builtin command,
      rather than a shell function or external command.
 command [ -pvV ]
      The command word is taken to be the name of an external command,
      rather than a shell function or builtin.  If the POSIX_BUILTINS
      option is set, builtins will also be executed but certain special
      properties of them are suppressed.  The -p flag causes a default
      path to be searched instead of that in $path.  With the -v flag,
      command is similar to whence and with -V, it is equivalent to
      whence -v.
 exec [ -cl ] [ -a ARGV0 ]
      The following command together with any arguments is run in place
      of the current process, rather than as a sub-process.  The shell
      does not fork and is replaced.  The shell does not invoke TRAPEXIT,
      nor does it source zlogout files.  The options are provided for
      compatibility with other shells.
      The -c option clears the environment.
      The -l option is equivalent to the - precommand modifier, to treat
      the replacement command as a login shell; the command is executed
      with a - prepended to its argv[0] string.  This flag has no effect
      if used together with the -a option.
      The -a option is used to specify explicitly the argv[0] string (the
      name of the command as seen by the process itself) to be used by
      the replacement command and is directly equivalent to setting a
      value for the ARGV0 environment variable.
      Spelling correction is not done on any of the words.  This must
      appear before any other precommand modifier, as it is interpreted
      immediately, before any parsing is done.  It has no effect in
      non-interactive shells.
      Filename generation (globbing) is not performed on any of the
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