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 6.3 Reading Names from a File
 Instead of giving the names of files or archive members on the command
 line, you can put the names into a file, and then use the
 '--files-from=FILE-OF-NAMES' ('-T FILE-OF-NAMES') option to 'tar'.  Give
 the name of the file which contains the list of files to include as the
 argument to '--files-from'.  In the list, the file names should be
 separated by newlines.  You will frequently use this option when you
 have generated the list of files to archive with the 'find' utility.
      Get names to extract or create from file FILE-NAME.
    If you give a single dash as a file name for '--files-from', (i.e.,
 you specify either '--files-from=-' or '-T -'), then the file names are
 read from standard input.
    Unless you are running 'tar' with '--create', you can not use both
 '--files-from=-' and '--file=-' ('-f -') in the same command.
    Any number of '-T' options can be given in the command line.
    The following example shows how to use 'find' to generate a list of
 files smaller than 400K in length and put that list into a file called
 'small-files'.  You can then use the '-T' option to 'tar' to specify the
 files from that file, 'small-files', to create the archive 'little.tgz'.
 (The '-z' option to 'tar' compresses the archive with 'gzip'; 
 gzip for more information.)
      $ find . -size -400 -print > small-files
      $ tar -c -v -z -T small-files -f little.tgz
 In the file list given by '-T' option, any file name beginning with '-'
 character is considered a 'tar' option and is processed accordingly(1).
 For example, the common use of this feature is to change to another
 directory by specifying '-C' option:
      $ cat list
      $ tar -c -f foo.tar --files-from list
 In this example, 'tar' will first switch to '/etc' directory and add
 files 'passwd' and 'hosts' to the archive.  Then it will change to
 '/lib' directory and will archive the file 'libc.a'.  Thus, the
 resulting archive 'foo.tar' will contain:
      $ tar tf foo.tar
 Notice that the option parsing algorithm used with '-T' is stricter than
 the one used by shell.  Namely, when specifying option arguments, you
 should observe the following rules:
    * When using short (single-letter) option form, its argument must
      immediately follow the option letter, without any intervening
      whitespace.  For example: '-Cdir'.
    * When using long option form, the option argument must be separated
      from the option by a single equal sign.  No whitespace is allowed
      on any side of the equal sign.  For example: '--directory=dir'.
    * For both short and long option forms, the option argument can be
      given on the next line after the option name, e.g.:
    If you happen to have a file whose name starts with '-', precede it
 with '--add-file' option to prevent it from being recognized as an
 option.  For example: '--add-file=--my-file'.


* nul
    ---------- Footnotes ----------
    (1) Versions of GNU 'tar' up to 1.15.1 recognized only '-C' option in
 file lists, and only if the option and its argument occupied two
 consecutive lines.
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