(tar.info.gz) file tutorial

Info Catalog (tar.info.gz) Two Frequent Options (tar.info.gz) verbose tutorial
 The '--file' Option
      Specify the name of an archive file.
    You can specify an argument for the '--file=ARCHIVE-NAME' ('-f
 ARCHIVE-NAME') option whenever you use 'tar'; this option determines the
 name of the archive file that 'tar' will work on.
    If you don't specify this argument, then 'tar' will examine the
 environment variable 'TAPE'.  If it is set, its value will be used as
 the archive name.  Otherwise, 'tar' will use the default archive,
 determined at compile time.  Usually it is standard output or some
 physical tape drive attached to your machine (you can verify what the
 default is by running 'tar --show-defaults',  defaults).  If
 there is no tape drive attached, or the default is not meaningful, then
 'tar' will print an error message.  The error message might look roughly
 like one of the following:
      tar: can't open /dev/rmt8 : No such device or address
      tar: can't open /dev/rsmt0 : I/O error
 To avoid confusion, we recommend that you always specify an archive file
 name by using '--file=ARCHIVE-NAME' ('-f ARCHIVE-NAME') when writing
 your 'tar' commands.  For more information on using the
 '--file=ARCHIVE-NAME' ('-f ARCHIVE-NAME') option, see  file.
Info Catalog (tar.info.gz) Two Frequent Options (tar.info.gz) verbose tutorial
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