(tar.info.gz) Portable Names

Info Catalog (tar.info.gz) Portability (tar.info.gz) dereference
 8.3.1 Portable Names
 Use portable file and member names.  A name is portable if it contains
 only ASCII letters and digits, '/', '.', '_', and '-'; it cannot be
 empty, start with '-' or '//', or contain '/-'.  Avoid deep directory
 nesting.  For portability to old Unix hosts, limit your file name
 components to 14 characters or less.
    If you intend to have your 'tar' archives to be read under MSDOS, you
 should not rely on case distinction for file names, and you might use
 the GNU 'doschk' program for helping you further diagnosing illegal
 MSDOS names, which are even more limited than System V's.
Info Catalog (tar.info.gz) Portability (tar.info.gz) dereference
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