(tar.info.gz) Keep Old Files

Info Catalog (tar.info.gz) Overwrite Old Files (tar.info.gz) Writing (tar.info.gz) Keep Newer Files
 Keep Old Files
 GNU 'tar' provides two options to control its actions in a situation
 when it is about to extract a file which already exists on disk.
      Do not replace existing files from archive.  When such a file is
      encountered, 'tar' issues an error message.  Upon end of
      extraction, 'tar' exits with code 2 ( exit status).
      Do not replace existing files from archive, but do not treat that
      as error.  Such files are silently skipped and do not affect 'tar'
      exit status.
      Additional verbosity can be obtained using
      '--warning=existing-file' together with that option (
Info Catalog (tar.info.gz) Overwrite Old Files (tar.info.gz) Writing (tar.info.gz) Keep Newer Files
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