(tar.info.gz) Backups

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 5 Performing Backups and Restoring Files
 GNU 'tar' is distributed along with the scripts for performing backups
 and restores.  Even if there is a good chance those scripts may be
 satisfying to you, they are not the only scripts or methods available
 for doing backups and restore.  You may well create your own, or use
 more sophisticated packages dedicated to that purpose.
    Some users are enthusiastic about 'Amanda' (The Advanced Maryland
 Automatic Network Disk Archiver), a backup system developed by James da
 Silva 'jds@cs.umd.edu' and available on many Unix systems.  This is free
 software, and it is available from <http://www.amanda.org>.
    This chapter documents both the provided shell scripts and 'tar'
 options which are more specific to usage as a backup tool.
    To "back up" a file system means to create archives that contain all
 the files in that file system.  Those archives can then be used to
 restore any or all of those files (for instance if a disk crashes or a
 file is accidentally deleted).  File system "backups" are also called


* Full Dumps                  Using 'tar' to Perform Full Dumps
* Incremental Dumps           Using 'tar' to Perform Incremental Dumps
* Backup Levels               Levels of Backups
* Backup Parameters           Setting Parameters for Backups and Restoration
* Scripted Backups            Using the Backup Scripts
* Scripted Restoration        Using the Restore Script
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