(libc.info.gz) Message catalogs with gettext

Info Catalog (libc.info.gz) The Uniforum approach (libc.info.gz) Helper programs for gettext
 8.2.1 The 'gettext' family of functions
 The paradigms underlying the 'gettext' approach to message translations
 is different from that of the 'catgets' functions the basic functionally
 is equivalent.  There are functions of the following categories:


* Translation with gettext       What has to be done to translate a message.
* Locating gettext catalog       How to determine which catalog to be used.
* Advanced gettext functions     Additional functions for more complicated
* Charset conversion in gettext  How to specify the output character set
                                     'gettext' uses.
* GUI program problems           How to use 'gettext' in GUI programs.
* Using gettextized software     The possibilities of the user to influence
                                     the way 'gettext' works.
Info Catalog (libc.info.gz) The Uniforum approach (libc.info.gz) Helper programs for gettext
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