(libc.info.gz) Finding Tokens in a String

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 5.8 Finding Tokens in a String
 It's fairly common for programs to have a need to do some simple kinds
 of lexical analysis and parsing, such as splitting a command string up
 into tokens.  You can do this with the 'strtok' function, declared in
 the header file 'string.h'.
  -- Function: char * strtok (char *restrict NEWSTRING, const char
           *restrict DELIMITERS)
      Preliminary: | MT-Unsafe race:strtok | AS-Unsafe | AC-Safe | 
      POSIX Safety Concepts.
      A string can be split into tokens by making a series of calls to
      the function 'strtok'.
      The string to be split up is passed as the NEWSTRING argument on
      the first call only.  The 'strtok' function uses this to set up
      some internal state information.  Subsequent calls to get
      additional tokens from the same string are indicated by passing a
      null pointer as the NEWSTRING argument.  Calling 'strtok' with
      another non-null NEWSTRING argument reinitializes the state
      information.  It is guaranteed that no other library function ever
      calls 'strtok' behind your back (which would mess up this internal
      state information).
      The DELIMITERS argument is a string that specifies a set of
      delimiters that may surround the token being extracted.  All the
      initial characters that are members of this set are discarded.  The
      first character that is _not_ a member of this set of delimiters
      marks the beginning of the next token.  The end of the token is
      found by looking for the next character that is a member of the
      delimiter set.  This character in the original string NEWSTRING is
      overwritten by a null character, and the pointer to the beginning
      of the token in NEWSTRING is returned.
      On the next call to 'strtok', the searching begins at the next
      character beyond the one that marked the end of the previous token.
      Note that the set of delimiters DELIMITERS do not have to be the
      same on every call in a series of calls to 'strtok'.
      If the end of the string NEWSTRING is reached, or if the remainder
      of string consists only of delimiter characters, 'strtok' returns a
      null pointer.
      Note that "character" is here used in the sense of byte.  In a
      string using a multibyte character encoding (abstract) character
      consisting of more than one byte are not treated as an entity.
      Each byte is treated separately.  The function is not
  -- Function: wchar_t * wcstok (wchar_t *NEWSTRING, const wchar_t
           *DELIMITERS, wchar_t **SAVE_PTR)
      Preliminary: | MT-Safe | AS-Safe | AC-Safe |  POSIX Safety
      A string can be split into tokens by making a series of calls to
      the function 'wcstok'.
      The string to be split up is passed as the NEWSTRING argument on
      the first call only.  The 'wcstok' function uses this to set up
      some internal state information.  Subsequent calls to get
      additional tokens from the same wide character string are indicated
      by passing a null pointer as the NEWSTRING argument, which causes
      the pointer previously stored in SAVE_PTR to be used instead.
      The DELIMITERS argument is a wide character string that specifies a
      set of delimiters that may surround the token being extracted.  All
      the initial wide characters that are members of this set are
      discarded.  The first wide character that is _not_ a member of this
      set of delimiters marks the beginning of the next token.  The end
      of the token is found by looking for the next wide character that
      is a member of the delimiter set.  This wide character in the
      original wide character string NEWSTRING is overwritten by a null
      wide character, the pointer past the overwritten wide character is
      saved in SAVE_PTR, and the pointer to the beginning of the token in
      NEWSTRING is returned.
      On the next call to 'wcstok', the searching begins at the next wide
      character beyond the one that marked the end of the previous token.
      Note that the set of delimiters DELIMITERS do not have to be the
      same on every call in a series of calls to 'wcstok'.
      If the end of the wide character string NEWSTRING is reached, or if
      the remainder of string consists only of delimiter wide characters,
      'wcstok' returns a null pointer.
    *Warning:* Since 'strtok' and 'wcstok' alter the string they is
 parsing, you should always copy the string to a temporary buffer before
 parsing it with 'strtok'/'wcstok' ( Copying and Concatenation).
 If you allow 'strtok' or 'wcstok' to modify a string that came from
 another part of your program, you are asking for trouble; that string
 might be used for other purposes after 'strtok' or 'wcstok' has modified
 it, and it would not have the expected value.
    The string that you are operating on might even be a constant.  Then
 when 'strtok' or 'wcstok' tries to modify it, your program will get a
 fatal signal for writing in read-only memory.   Program Error
 Signals.  Even if the operation of 'strtok' or 'wcstok' would not
 require a modification of the string (e.g., if there is exactly one
 token) the string can (and in the GNU C Library case will) be modified.
    This is a special case of a general principle: if a part of a program
 does not have as its purpose the modification of a certain data
 structure, then it is error-prone to modify the data structure
    The function 'strtok' is not reentrant, whereas 'wcstok' is.  
 Nonreentrancy, for a discussion of where and why reentrancy is
    Here is a simple example showing the use of 'strtok'.
      #include <string.h>
      #include <stddef.h>
      const char string[] = "words separated by spaces -- and, punctuation!";
      const char delimiters[] = " .,;:!-";
      char *token, *cp;
      cp = strdupa (string);                /* Make writable copy.  */
      token = strtok (cp, delimiters);      /* token => "words" */
      token = strtok (NULL, delimiters);    /* token => "separated" */
      token = strtok (NULL, delimiters);    /* token => "by" */
      token = strtok (NULL, delimiters);    /* token => "spaces" */
      token = strtok (NULL, delimiters);    /* token => "and" */
      token = strtok (NULL, delimiters);    /* token => "punctuation" */
      token = strtok (NULL, delimiters);    /* token => NULL */
    The GNU C Library contains two more functions for tokenizing a string
 which overcome the limitation of non-reentrancy.  They are only
 available for multibyte character strings.
  -- Function: char * strtok_r (char *NEWSTRING, const char *DELIMITERS,
           char **SAVE_PTR)
      Preliminary: | MT-Safe | AS-Safe | AC-Safe |  POSIX Safety
      Just like 'strtok', this function splits the string into several
      tokens which can be accessed by successive calls to 'strtok_r'.
      The difference is that, as in 'wcstok', the information about the
      next token is stored in the space pointed to by the third argument,
      SAVE_PTR, which is a pointer to a string pointer.  Calling
      'strtok_r' with a null pointer for NEWSTRING and leaving SAVE_PTR
      between the calls unchanged does the job without hindering
      This function is defined in POSIX.1 and can be found on many
      systems which support multi-threading.
  -- Function: char * strsep (char **STRING_PTR, const char *DELIMITER)
      Preliminary: | MT-Safe | AS-Safe | AC-Safe |  POSIX Safety
      This function has a similar functionality as 'strtok_r' with the
      NEWSTRING argument replaced by the SAVE_PTR argument.  The
      initialization of the moving pointer has to be done by the user.
      Successive calls to 'strsep' move the pointer along the tokens
      separated by DELIMITER, returning the address of the next token and
      updating STRING_PTR to point to the beginning of the next token.
      One difference between 'strsep' and 'strtok_r' is that if the input
      string contains more than one character from DELIMITER in a row
      'strsep' returns an empty string for each pair of characters from
      DELIMITER.  This means that a program normally should test for
      'strsep' returning an empty string before processing it.
      This function was introduced in 4.3BSD and therefore is widely
    Here is how the above example looks like when 'strsep' is used.
      #include <string.h>
      #include <stddef.h>
      const char string[] = "words separated by spaces -- and, punctuation!";
      const char delimiters[] = " .,;:!-";
      char *running;
      char *token;
      running = strdupa (string);
      token = strsep (&running, delimiters);    /* token => "words" */
      token = strsep (&running, delimiters);    /* token => "separated" */
      token = strsep (&running, delimiters);    /* token => "by" */
      token = strsep (&running, delimiters);    /* token => "spaces" */
      token = strsep (&running, delimiters);    /* token => "" */
      token = strsep (&running, delimiters);    /* token => "" */
      token = strsep (&running, delimiters);    /* token => "" */
      token = strsep (&running, delimiters);    /* token => "and" */
      token = strsep (&running, delimiters);    /* token => "" */
      token = strsep (&running, delimiters);    /* token => "punctuation" */
      token = strsep (&running, delimiters);    /* token => "" */
      token = strsep (&running, delimiters);    /* token => NULL */
  -- Function: char * basename (const char *FILENAME)
      Preliminary: | MT-Safe | AS-Safe | AC-Safe |  POSIX Safety
      The GNU version of the 'basename' function returns the last
      component of the path in FILENAME.  This function is the preferred
      usage, since it does not modify the argument, FILENAME, and
      respects trailing slashes.  The prototype for 'basename' can be
      found in 'string.h'.  Note, this function is overriden by the XPG
      version, if 'libgen.h' is included.
      Example of using GNU 'basename':
           #include <string.h>
           main (int argc, char *argv[])
             char *prog = basename (argv[0]);
             if (argc < 2)
                 fprintf (stderr, "Usage %s <arg>\n", prog);
                 exit (1);
      *Portability Note:* This function may produce different results on
      different systems.
  -- Function: char * basename (const char *PATH)
      Preliminary: | MT-Safe | AS-Safe | AC-Safe |  POSIX Safety
      This is the standard XPG defined 'basename'.  It is similar in
      spirit to the GNU version, but may modify the PATH by removing
      trailing '/' characters.  If the PATH is made up entirely of '/'
      characters, then "/" will be returned.  Also, if PATH is 'NULL' or
      an empty string, then "."  is returned.  The prototype for the XPG
      version can be found in 'libgen.h'.
      Example of using XPG 'basename':
           #include <libgen.h>
           main (int argc, char *argv[])
             char *prog;
             char *path = strdupa (argv[0]);
             prog = basename (path);
             if (argc < 2)
                 fprintf (stderr, "Usage %s <arg>\n", prog);
                 exit (1);
  -- Function: char * dirname (char *PATH)
      Preliminary: | MT-Safe | AS-Safe | AC-Safe |  POSIX Safety
      The 'dirname' function is the compliment to the XPG version of
      'basename'.  It returns the parent directory of the file specified
      by PATH.  If PATH is 'NULL', an empty string, or contains no '/'
      characters, then "."  is returned.  The prototype for this function
      can be found in 'libgen.h'.
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