(libc.info.gz) Editing Characters

Info Catalog (libc.info.gz) Special Characters (libc.info.gz) Signal Characters Characters for Input Editing
 These special characters are active only in canonical input mode.  
 Canonical or Not.
  -- Macro: int VEOF
      This is the subscript for the EOF character in the special control
      character array.  'TERMIOS.c_cc[VEOF]' holds the character itself.
      The EOF character is recognized only in canonical input mode.  It
      acts as a line terminator in the same way as a newline character,
      but if the EOF character is typed at the beginning of a line it
      causes 'read' to return a byte count of zero, indicating
      end-of-file.  The EOF character itself is discarded.
      Usually, the EOF character is 'C-d'.
  -- Macro: int VEOL
      This is the subscript for the EOL character in the special control
      character array.  'TERMIOS.c_cc[VEOL]' holds the character itself.
      The EOL character is recognized only in canonical input mode.  It
      acts as a line terminator, just like a newline character.  The EOL
      character is not discarded; it is read as the last character in the
      input line.
      You don't need to use the EOL character to make <RET> end a line.
      Just set the ICRNL flag.  In fact, this is the default state of
  -- Macro: int VEOL2
      This is the subscript for the EOL2 character in the special control
      character array.  'TERMIOS.c_cc[VEOL2]' holds the character itself.
      The EOL2 character works just like the EOL character (see above),
      but it can be a different character.  Thus, you can specify two
      characters to terminate an input line, by setting EOL to one of
      them and EOL2 to the other.
      The EOL2 character is a BSD extension; it exists only on BSD
      systems and GNU/Linux and GNU/Hurd systems.
  -- Macro: int VERASE
      This is the subscript for the ERASE character in the special
      control character array.  'TERMIOS.c_cc[VERASE]' holds the
      character itself.
      The ERASE character is recognized only in canonical input mode.
      When the user types the erase character, the previous character
      typed is discarded.  (If the terminal generates multibyte character
      sequences, this may cause more than one byte of input to be
      discarded.)  This cannot be used to erase past the beginning of the
      current line of text.  The ERASE character itself is discarded.
      Usually, the ERASE character is <DEL>.
  -- Macro: int VWERASE
      This is the subscript for the WERASE character in the special
      control character array.  'TERMIOS.c_cc[VWERASE]' holds the
      character itself.
      The WERASE character is recognized only in canonical mode.  It
      erases an entire word of prior input, and any whitespace after it;
      whitespace characters before the word are not erased.
      The definition of a "word" depends on the setting of the
      'ALTWERASE' mode;  Local Modes.
      If the 'ALTWERASE' mode is not set, a word is defined as a sequence
      of any characters except space or tab.
      If the 'ALTWERASE' mode is set, a word is defined as a sequence of
      characters containing only letters, numbers, and underscores,
      optionally followed by one character that is not a letter, number,
      or underscore.
      The WERASE character is usually 'C-w'.
      This is a BSD extension.
  -- Macro: int VKILL
      This is the subscript for the KILL character in the special control
      character array.  'TERMIOS.c_cc[VKILL]' holds the character itself.
      The KILL character is recognized only in canonical input mode.
      When the user types the kill character, the entire contents of the
      current line of input are discarded.  The kill character itself is
      discarded too.
      The KILL character is usually 'C-u'.
  -- Macro: int VREPRINT
      This is the subscript for the REPRINT character in the special
      control character array.  'TERMIOS.c_cc[VREPRINT]' holds the
      character itself.
      The REPRINT character is recognized only in canonical mode.  It
      reprints the current input line.  If some asynchronous output has
      come while you are typing, this lets you see the line you are
      typing clearly again.
      The REPRINT character is usually 'C-r'.
      This is a BSD extension.
Info Catalog (libc.info.gz) Special Characters (libc.info.gz) Signal Characters
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