(libc.info.gz) Arithmetic Functions

Info Catalog (libc.info.gz) Control Functions (libc.info.gz) Arithmetic (libc.info.gz) Complex Numbers
 20.8 Arithmetic Functions
 The C library provides functions to do basic operations on
 floating-point numbers.  These include absolute value, maximum and
 minimum, normalization, bit twiddling, rounding, and a few others.


* Absolute Value              Absolute values of integers and floats.
* Normalization Functions     Extracting exponents and putting them back.
* Rounding Functions          Rounding floats to integers.
* Remainder Functions         Remainders on division, precisely defined.
* FP Bit Twiddling            Sign bit adjustment.  Adding epsilon.
* FP Comparison Functions     Comparisons without risk of exceptions.
* Misc FP Arithmetic          Max, min, positive difference, multiply-add.
Info Catalog (libc.info.gz) Control Functions (libc.info.gz) Arithmetic (libc.info.gz) Complex Numbers
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