(gawk.info.gz) Statements

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 7.4 Control Statements in Actions
 "Control statements", such as `if', `while', and so on, control the
 flow of execution in `awk' programs.  Most of `awk''s control
 statements are patterned after similar statements in C.
    All the control statements start with special keywords, such as `if'
 and `while', to distinguish them from simple expressions.  Many control
 statements contain other statements.  For example, the `if' statement
 contains another statement that may or may not be executed.  The
 contained statement is called the "body".  To include more than one
 statement in the body, group them into a single "compound statement"
 with curly braces, separating them with newlines or semicolons.


* If Statement                Conditionally execute some `awk'
* While Statement             Loop until some condition is satisfied.
* Do Statement                Do specified action while looping until some
                                 condition is satisfied.
* For Statement               Another looping statement, that provides
                                 initialization and increment clauses.
* Switch Statement            Switch/case evaluation for conditional
                                 execution of statements based on a value.
* Break Statement             Immediately exit the innermost enclosing loop.
* Continue Statement          Skip to the end of the innermost enclosing
* Next Statement              Stop processing the current input record.
* Nextfile Statement          Stop processing the current file.
* Exit Statement              Stop execution of `awk'.
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