(gawk.info.gz) Internal File Description

Info Catalog (gawk.info.gz) Sample Library (gawk.info.gz) Internal File Ops
 C.3.3.1 Using `chdir()' and `stat()'
 This minor node shows how to use the new functions at the `awk' level
 once they've been integrated into the running `gawk' interpreter.
 Using `chdir()' is very straightforward. It takes one argument, the new
 directory to change to:
      newdir = "/home/arnold/funstuff"
      ret = chdir(newdir)
      if (ret < 0) {
          printf("could not change to %s: %s\n",
                         newdir, ERRNO) > "/dev/stderr"
          exit 1
    The return value is negative if the `chdir' failed, and `ERRNO'
 ( Built-in Variables) is set to a string indicating the error.
    Using `stat()' is a bit more complicated.  The C `stat()' function
 fills in a structure that has a fair amount of information.  The right
 way to model this in `awk' is to fill in an associative array with the
 appropriate information:
      file = "/home/arnold/.profile"
      fdata[1] = "x"    # force `fdata' to be an array
      ret = stat(file, fdata)
      if (ret < 0) {
          printf("could not stat %s: %s\n",
                   file, ERRNO) > "/dev/stderr"
          exit 1
      printf("size of %s is %d bytes\n", file, fdata["size"])
    The `stat()' function always clears the data array, even if the
 `stat()' fails.  It fills in the following elements:
      The name of the file that was `stat()''ed.
      The file's device and inode numbers, respectively.
      The file's mode, as a numeric value. This includes both the file's
      type and its permissions.
      The number of hard links (directory entries) the file has.
      The numeric user and group ID numbers of the file's owner.
      The size in bytes of the file.
      The number of disk blocks the file actually occupies. This may not
      be a function of the file's size if the file has holes.
      The file's last access, modification, and inode update times,
      respectively.  These are numeric timestamps, suitable for
      formatting with `strftime()' ( Built-in).
      The file's "printable mode."  This is a string representation of
      the file's type and permissions, such as what is produced by `ls
      -l'--for example, `"drwxr-xr-x"'.
      A printable string representation of the file's type.  The value
      is one of the following:
           The file is a block or character device ("special file").
           The file is a directory.
           The file is a named-pipe (also known as a FIFO).
           The file is just a regular file.
           The file is an `AF_UNIX' ("Unix domain") socket in the
           The file is a symbolic link.
    Several additional elements may be present depending upon the
 operating system and the type of the file.  You can test for them in
      The preferred block size for I/O to the file. This field is not
      present on all POSIX-like systems in the C `stat' structure.
      If the file is a symbolic link, this element is the name of the
      file the link points to (i.e., the value of the link).
      If the file is a block or character device file, then these values
      represent the numeric device number and the major and minor
      components of that number, respectively.
Info Catalog (gawk.info.gz) Sample Library (gawk.info.gz) Internal File Ops
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