(libc.info.gz) Streams and I18N

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 12.6 Streams in Internationalized Applications
 ISO C90 introduced the new type 'wchar_t' to allow handling larger
 character sets.  What was missing was a possibility to output strings of
 'wchar_t' directly.  One had to convert them into multibyte strings
 using 'mbstowcs' (there was no 'mbsrtowcs' yet) and then use the normal
 stream functions.  While this is doable it is very cumbersome since
 performing the conversions is not trivial and greatly increases program
 complexity and size.
    The Unix standard early on (I think in XPG4.2) introduced two
 additional format specifiers for the 'printf' and 'scanf' families of
 functions.  Printing and reading of single wide characters was made
 possible using the '%C' specifier and wide character strings can be
 handled with '%S'.  These modifiers behave just like '%c' and '%s' only
 that they expect the corresponding argument to have the wide character
 type and that the wide character and string are transformed into/from
 multibyte strings before being used.
    This was a beginning but it is still not good enough.  Not always is
 it desirable to use 'printf' and 'scanf'.  The other, smaller and faster
 functions cannot handle wide characters.  Second, it is not possible to
 have a format string for 'printf' and 'scanf' consisting of wide
 characters.  The result is that format strings would have to be
 generated if they have to contain non-basic characters.
    In the Amendment 1 to ISO C90 a whole new set of functions was added
 to solve the problem.  Most of the stream functions got a counterpart
 which take a wide character or wide character string instead of a
 character or string respectively.  The new functions operate on the same
 streams (like 'stdout').  This is different from the model of the C++
 runtime library where separate streams for wide and normal I/O are used.
    Being able to use the same stream for wide and normal operations
 comes with a restriction: a stream can be used either for wide
 operations or for normal operations.  Once it is decided there is no way
 back.  Only a call to 'freopen' or 'freopen64' can reset the
 "orientation".  The orientation can be decided in three ways:
    * If any of the normal character functions is used (this includes the
      'fread' and 'fwrite' functions) the stream is marked as not wide
    * If any of the wide character functions is used the stream is marked
      as wide oriented.
    * The 'fwide' function can be used to set the orientation either way.
    It is important to never mix the use of wide and not wide operations
 on a stream.  There are no diagnostics issued.  The application behavior
 will simply be strange or the application will simply crash.  The
 'fwide' function can help avoiding this.
  -- Function: int fwide (FILE *STREAM, int MODE)
      Preliminary: | MT-Safe | AS-Unsafe corrupt | AC-Unsafe lock | 
      POSIX Safety Concepts.
      The 'fwide' function can be used to set and query the state of the
      orientation of the stream STREAM.  If the MODE parameter has a
      positive value the streams get wide oriented, for negative values
      narrow oriented.  It is not possible to overwrite previous
      orientations with 'fwide'.  I.e., if the stream STREAM was already
      oriented before the call nothing is done.
      If MODE is zero the current orientation state is queried and
      nothing is changed.
      The 'fwide' function returns a negative value, zero, or a positive
      value if the stream is narrow, not at all, or wide oriented
      This function was introduced in Amendment 1 to ISO C90 and is
      declared in 'wchar.h'.
    It is generally a good idea to orient a stream as early as possible.
 This can prevent surprise especially for the standard streams 'stdin',
 'stdout', and 'stderr'.  If some library function in some situations
 uses one of these streams and this use orients the stream in a different
 way the rest of the application expects it one might end up with hard to
 reproduce errors.  Remember that no errors are signal if the streams are
 used incorrectly.  Leaving a stream unoriented after creation is
 normally only necessary for library functions which create streams which
 can be used in different contexts.
    When writing code which uses streams and which can be used in
 different contexts it is important to query the orientation of the
 stream before using it (unless the rules of the library interface demand
 a specific orientation).  The following little, silly function
 illustrates this.
      print_f (FILE *fp)
        if (fwide (fp, 0) > 0)
          /* Positive return value means wide orientation.  */
          fputwc (L'f', fp);
          fputc ('f', fp);
    Note that in this case the function 'print_f' decides about the
 orientation of the stream if it was unoriented before (will not happen
 if the advise above is followed).
    The encoding used for the 'wchar_t' values is unspecified and the
 user must not make any assumptions about it.  For I/O of 'wchar_t'
 values this means that it is impossible to write these values directly
 to the stream.  This is not what follows from the ISO C locale model
 either.  What happens instead is that the bytes read from or written to
 the underlying media are first converted into the internal encoding
 chosen by the implementation for 'wchar_t'.  The external encoding is
 determined by the 'LC_CTYPE' category of the current locale or by the
 'ccs' part of the mode specification given to 'fopen', 'fopen64',
 'freopen', or 'freopen64'.  How and when the conversion happens is
 unspecified and it happens invisible to the user.
    Since a stream is created in the unoriented state it has at that
 point no conversion associated with it.  The conversion which will be
 used is determined by the 'LC_CTYPE' category selected at the time the
 stream is oriented.  If the locales are changed at the runtime this
 might produce surprising results unless one pays attention.  This is
 just another good reason to orient the stream explicitly as soon as
 possible, perhaps with a call to 'fwide'.
Info Catalog (libc.info.gz) Streams and Threads (libc.info.gz) I/O on Streams (libc.info.gz) Simple Output
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